602.896.2900 info@dhschools.org

Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year is Now Open! Don’t miss your chance to enroll—secure your child’s future today!

Desert Heights Preschool

At Desert Heights Preschool, we provide a rigorous, standards-based academic environment through a balance of intensive, compassionate teaching. We believe in developing the whole child by using each lesson to support physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth. We have partnered with parents, educators, and neighboring businesses for over 20 years. Throughout this time we have maintained a safe, structured, learning environment. Our preschool provides care for 2-year-old through elementary school students.

Desert Heights Preschool is a Quality First provider. Quality First is a signature program of First Things First that partners with child care and preschool providers to improve the quality of early learning across Arizona. First Things First is one of the critical partners in creating a family-centered, comprehensive, collaborative and high-quality early childhood system that supports the development, health and early education of all Arizona’s children birth through age five.

Our classes focus on skills young minds need to successfully transition to Desert Heights Charter School with age appropriate learning in the following subjects.

  • Mathematics
  • Literature
  • Art
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Writing

Students additionally learn foreign language, both Spanish and Sign Language, and they participate in a fun and exciting class called Music and Movement, where they will learn that dancing, music, and exercise is both fun and educational.

In addition, all classes will participate in our Healthy Choices Program, which not only teaches the children to eat healthy and exercise, but it helps them identify what is a healthy snack and how it helps our bodies grow up strong. Lastly, our Pre-K exclusive Science program teaches the children countless things about our scientific world. They will learn many “Big Words”, and will dive into and explore everything from Anatomy to Space.

Music & Movement

Our students engage in teacher led fun physical activities daily. These activities are planned to enhance coordination skills, maintain muscle tissue, and to instill healthy habits. The indoor and outdoor activities include singing, dancing, running, jumping, and more.

Sign Language

Our students benefit from our interactive Sign Language curriculum every week. Sign Language involves utilizing the visual-spatial part of your brain. This is the same part of the brain that we use to learn to read. It also helps students with memory retention.


Students will enjoy learning Spanish with their teachers weekly. Teachers will introduce beginner level words/phrases through song and play.


Our Science curriculum is offered to all classes daily. Our Pre-Kindergarten kids will enjoy an hour of Science time exploring new avenues such as systems in our body, dinosaurs, colors, and more.

District Events


DHPA Varsity Softball Practice

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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